Iron Galaxy Nashville Opening Day

Published by
Keenan Moralicz
July 11, 2024
IGN Opening Day Blog Header Image

On June 27, 2024, Dave Lang cut a ribbon with comically large scissors, officially opening the doors to our newest studio.

Iron Galaxy developers communicating in the Nashville office

This is Iron Galaxy’s newest space where talented people can come together to make games. Nashville is already a great place to incubate new talent. We’ve welcomed a class of interns from local universities. They’ve gone from the classroom to our studio, working on games you know and later ones you’ll love. Some of them have become full-time members of our team. Our focus is to continue growing relationships with nearby universities, maintain the culture we’ve carefully crafted in Chicago and Orlando, and leave space for the future of Iron Galaxy to take a shape of its own.

Chelsea Blasko, Dave Lang (with a big pair of scissors in hand), and Adam Boyes smiling for an executive team photo

Along with Dave Lang and Adam Boyes, Co-CEO Chelsea Blasko was on hand to help lead the celebration.

 “Stepping into our new Nashville office feels like both an evolution of Iron Galaxy, as well as a step back toward our roots. When I started at Iron Galaxy, I could have never imagined opening an office with something as formal and fancy as a ribbon cutting ceremony and cookies with our logo on them. We’ve come a long way from our humble beginnings. The energy I feel in the office reminds me of that young, eager, can-do spirit. I see people pitching in with office chores, leaning over one another’s shoulders to check out code, and sharing laughs in the kitchen. All of it makes me smile.”

 We’re excited to see how the Nashville studio continues to expand our teams and our capabilities. It was great to celebrate our new home with the people who helped us build the place.