Celebrating Juneteenth: Past, Present, and Future

Published by
Keenan Moralicz
June 19, 2024
Celebrating Juneteenth: Past, Present, and Future blog header image

This week, on June 19, Iron Galaxy is closed in observance of Juneteenth. As always, the best way to express what this means to us is to give our own people a platform to tell their stories. Joe Palmer is a Senior Software Engineer who has been with us since the beginning. In recent years, he has taken on the additional roles of husband and father. Read on as Joe underlines the significance of history and how it can inform the future. 


Joe: In 2021, my son Grayson was born. Being his father has been one of the greatest adventures of my life. It’s brought me great joy but also has caused me to think about how he experiences the world and what I can do for him to make that experience better. Growing up, my father was very active in my life and I have a lot of fond memories with him. I want Grayson to feel the same way. 

Grayson Palmer playing in a garden
Grayson with all our plants before the Juneteenth Celebration last year.

One of the things my wife and I have talked about is how we can raise a “Free Black Child.” The phrase refers to black children unfettered by the harshness of the world. Free Black Children are able to enjoy their childhoods and experience an abundance of joy while also becoming prepared for the challenges they will face. As parents, we want Grayson to feel comfortable in his blackness and equipped to handle what it means to be Black in America. Instilling confidence, pride, and resilience is the goal. 

Last year, we decided that as a family we need to be more active in how we celebrate our blackness and how we talk about it with Grayson. My wife, Anesha, had the great idea to have a Juneteenth celebration at our house. Grayson’s daycare is closed for the holiday and most of the parents have the day off. Inviting them into our home and celebrating with them has been a great experience and it’s one I hope we continue for many years to come.  

There are so many ways to celebrate Juneteenth. My wife planned a book reading and gardening activity for the children and the parents get to enjoy some conversation with one another. Most importantly, we spend the time acknowledging the liberation of Black people and welcoming our friends and neighbors to think about and enjoy it too. In doing so, we show Grayson that his history is important but also that despite the historical hardships of the Black experience, there is plenty to feel joyous about. 

Anesha Palmer's Greatx3 Grandparents on their wedding day
“This is a photo of my Greatx3 Grandparents on their wedding day. They were born at the end of slavery in Laurens County, South Carolina -where we still have family today. They were some of the first “free” Black Americans in my family, as they stayed and worked as sharecroppers on the plantation where their families were previously enslaved.Their farming knowledge and ingenuity built our family. We're so proud to be their descendants and want our son to know that he comes from generations of thinkers and leaders, who despite their circumstances built the America we all call home today.” - Anesha Palmer

This year, we will be having the celebration again and we look forward to enjoying the holiday with our friends and neighbors. We have a great book picked out and our garden activity all planned. We’ll be celebrating our blackness and enjoying the company of friends. What more could you ask for on Emancipation Day. 

Our Reading Selections: 

2023: George Washington Carver Loved Plants 

George Washington Carver Loved Plants book cover


2024: Lola Plants a Garden 

Lola Plants a Garden book cover

Iron Galaxy would like to thank the Palmer family for helping us to find some meaning in this important occasion, and for making Juneteenth more than just another day off from work. Our community of developers has so many opportunities to learn from each other. We’re grateful for the chance to understand each other better through our individual experiences.